Columbia, S.C.’s atypical apprenticeship program is working, and here’s proof

When it rains, it doesn’t always pour. At least not at Columbia, South Carolina’s water resource recovery facility – even after a historic 1,000-year flood in 2015 and the wettest December on record three years later.  “During these periods, we were treating sustained flows that were 25 to 30% above design capacity every single day,” said David Wiman, superintendent for the city’s 60-mgd plant. “And every single day, the plant was well within regulatory limits.”   …

Making Green Stewards

A federal mandate to make massive and costly repairs to stormwater and sewer infrastructure helped create a workforce development program for the future of Kansas City, Mo.  Along with more than 40 other cities nationwide, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the early 2000s directed Kansas City to correct issues in its combined sewer system as well as infiltration and inflow issues in its separate sewer system. The combined sewer system covers about …

Roles of the Water Worker

As a new decade dawns, the water sector faces several urgent challenges, according to members of the Water Environment Federation House of Delegates (HOD; WEF, Alexandria, Va.). At WEFTEC 2019 in September, the HOD hosted a debate to examine the most pressing of these challenges. Within this forum, delegates focused their attention on climate change, workforce development, communications, and legislation, respectively. Among these discussions, common challenges emerged related to shifting beliefs, awareness, and perception about the water sector — both internally and externally.  …

Veterans and the water sector: dedicated to community service

November 5, 2020 By Stuart Karasik As we express our profound appreciation and respect to military personnel and veterans this Veterans Day for their contributions and sacrifices to ensure our precious rights and freedoms, I am pleased to introduce you to AWWA member Jose Martinez, general manager of the Otay Water District in Southern California …

Morrisville College Crash Course Prepares New Yorkers for Operator Certification Exams

Located about 48 km (30 mi) southeast of Syracuse, N.Y., Morrisville State College gives students the opportunity to study everything from seahorse conservation to cannabis farming.   But the classes that attract the greatest number of students from across the state to the small agricultural and technological college are those taught at its Environmental Training Center (ETC).   Hundreds of new and experienced water and wastewater professionals travel to the ETC each year to complete the training courses they need to become …

Webinar Recording: Veterans in Water: Continue Serving Your Community

How do you get started on a career in water/wastewater? Is there synergy between the military and water sector? What is the municipal/civil service hiring process like? What resources should the water sector build to make transitioning easier for veterans? Check out this very special one hour webinar featuring four veterans who work on the …

From the President: Preparing for Tomorrow’s Workforce Challenges

Working in the water sector, I am constantly learning and being challenged by the people around me. Ours is a profession that, at its core, requires working with others to find solutions that make sense for the future.  I love the spirit of cooperativeness that you can find so often behind the fence of a water resource recovery …